Ramsjögård Hotell

Gårdshotell i Rammsjö, Båstad kommun.

Price list

Type of room Price High season
Single 995:- 1095:-
Single with patio 1095:- 1195:-
Smaller double 1250:- 1350:-
Double with patio 1350:- 1450:-
Family room 2 adults and 1 child up to age 16. 1495:- 1595:-
Family room 2 adults and 2 children up to age 16. 1650:- 1750:-
Family room 2 adults and 3 children up to age 16. 1795:- 1895:-
Additional bed for child up to 16. + 150:- + 150:-
Additional bed for child over 16. + 300:- + 300:-
Cot (one time cost) 100:- 100:-


All prices are in Swedish krona, SEK.

High season: Veek 28, 29, 30 och 31 and during Midsummer eve and  Midsummer day.. Christmas, starting the day before Christmas eve and up to the day after Christmas Day. New Years Eve and New Years Day.


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